// Fight the enemy, or not--psm 98.08.22 - 09.13 × Captain: We don't have much time and even less information about these invaders. All we know is, some unknown force is penetrating a region of Federation space, and no one has been able to make contact with them. Let's move out!> Alien in the area, Captain.> //friendly exchange with a good counsellor Captain: This is a starship and crew of the United Federation of Planets. We too are on a peaceful mission. Identify yourselves. For what are you looking?> //friendly, but unskilled counsellor or bad UT Captain: Do you understand what they are saying?> //do the scan then roll dice on another conflict scenario > Make sure a record of our encounter goes into the archive.> > > > > // unrecoverable failures // SMF Shields Malfunction Responses was M__89 --psm 98.09.19 // Conflict Resolution_____________________________________ --psm 98.09.15-19 // Encountering an alien ship... // "encounterAlien" or "engageAlien" evokes one of 3 possible response tags // these cmmds are recommended // 1 Enemy is Friendly // 2 Enemy is Hostile-->we then fightEnemy //hostile,-, // 3 Enemy Attacks you-->we then suffer enemyFire // When the sim gets the "EnemyFire" command, // the enemy is then classified as: Strong, Weak, or Damaged. // now you determine how to respond //if your enemy evaluates as INVincible, you could ask permission to withdraw //with... HQCmd2,MSG47, // When the sim gets the "TargetDestroyed" command, the conflict ends. // But if Phasers arent ready... --psm 98/09/30 // FightEnemy results in one of these tags being read // The sim decides the tag, you the author insert the logical command response // these "target..." cmmds cause the preferred responses.... but you dont have to use them //target is deemed Invincible.... what will you do, or have them do? //targetDestroyed-->we then simply "zapEnemy" thus conflict ends //targetDisabled-->we then simply "clrEnemy" thus conflict ends //targetImpacted-->we then get enemyFire //targetTouched or 'dented'-->we then get enemyFire //targetUnaffected-->we then get enemyFire // Conflict Resolution messages Invading ship to Starfleet captain: Your shields are up. We consider this an act of aggression!> We have destroyed the invading ship. They are no danger to us now.> //end